To establish an entity as an incubation hub for the skills training of individuals from our community to be actively engaged in work/training teams to improve skills of individuals as well as providing arts and crafts for the tourism industry.

In addition individuals who have been trained can be deployed into suitable job situations as these are identified by the management team of the GSD NPC.

The intention is to expand these skills-training areas into further services as identified through the partnerships with  businesses and other entities, enabling local community members to become entrepreneurs in their own right.

This will lead to job creation as our tourist industry brings many travelers from across the world to our region.


"I have always been told I would never amount to anything. Thanks to GSD and my teacher Mr. Abrahams, I am learning new skills and I know I have a bright future. I am able to make my Grandfather proud!"
Student Exit Plan Course
"I love the robotics class as I'm learning new things that will help me in future. I can rocommend this course to anyone interested in Robotics or Electronics."
Robotics Course Student